  • Athletics
  • Calendario Escolar
  • PE Goals (In Spanish)
  • State PE Standards
  • Syllabus
  • Classroom Rules
  • Homework
  • Welcome
  • Vision
  • Organization
  • Classes
  • Procedures
  • Grading
  • Absences
  • Lateness
  • Adapted PE
  • Discipline
  • Title IX
  • Injuries
  • Rubrics (In Spanish)
  • Main Page
  • E-mail
  • © PE Program 1992-2013
  • Updated 1 July 01


    Welcome... Physical Education like other classes offers the students many challenges. The most important thing is to recognize that Physical Education is not gym. The students receive instruction in sports and health. During the next 40 weeks the students will be required to do homework, do research projects and more. At the end of each lesson the student will take a skill and written test. These assessments are conducted to evaluate the progress or lack off the student has made during the block of instruction of any unit. Physical Fitness testing at the end of the school year will serve to evaluate the physical aspect of the development of the children. Physical Education Is Not Gym. Please talk to your child about the importance of this class. Read Youth Sports Letter for information that you should know.


    To develop responsible citizens with the knowledge required to stay healthy throughout their lifetime. Motto: Never Say Impossible, Do It!


    On the first day of each unit, I will review policies, procedures, general safety practices, and explain the special safety rules that will be followed during the unit. Also, I check the equipment to make sure it is operational and safe for the students. Instruction should be so that there is a progression of skills from simple to complex. This is a vehicle for explaining some of the terminology and rules that I use during the main activity. Learning by having fun, in the main activity, should be the culmination of the unit. Teachers, students, parents, and administrators need to know the progress the student's have made during a unit. For this I use, observation, skill tests, and written assessments as tools for evaluating the students' progress. Evaluation will also indicate to me and to you the effectiveness of my instruction in relation to the stated objectives of the unit.


    To look at the outline for the school year, click School Year 2002-2003.


    PE uniform is not required. The student should report to class on time. If the student comes in 5 minutes late it will go in the attendance book as a "T" for tardy. If the student arrives 10 minutes late, the student will go back to the home room teacher and get an excuse, if not the student is absent. Any damage to the school property the student will pay for it.


    The grading system I use is the traditional one. The sum of the number of points based on letter grade and divide into number of tests.
    The scale is the following;
    3.50 - 4.00 = A
    2.50 - 3.49 = B
    1.60 - 2.49 = C
    0.80 - 1.59 = D
    0.00 - 0.79 = F
    The final grade is based upon written tests, skill test, classroom projects, and daily participation. Each student will receive 9 to 10 grades for each semester. The students will take written tests on the rules and history of the sports I will teach each semester. Physical Fitness tests are design to measure the fitness level of each student 2 times a year. These tests will be administered in August and May. I use the Presidents Challenge. The written tests are available
    here, this page is password protected, see teacher for password.


    The school policy on absences and loss of credit will be followed in physical education classes. The student is responsible for all make-up work after all absences or lose points. All points not made up will affect your grade. It is up to the student to discuss with me what you need to make-up.


    Parents may request that their child be excused from physical education and/or for temporary illness or injury for a maximum of 3 consecutive days. A physician statement will be requested if the students cannot resume normal activities after the 3rd day. When illness or injury is obvious, I will excuse the student from physical activity. In all cases, students excused from physical activity will be given meaningful assignments. A student is excused permanently from physical education on the presentation of a doctor's statement only. The medical excuse will be retained in the student's permanent folder. All excuses and notes from home must be presented to the teacher before school begins in the morning. The note will also include any special instructions. You will still be required to make up any missed participation points.


    Our special education students are mainstreamed for resource classes and follow the general curriculum unless the IEP states otherwise.


    The discipline plan from the school and district, will be applied in handling discipline challenges. At the beginning of the school year I will explain to the students the discipline procedures during the course. Any serious discipline problem will be referred to the Discipline Commitee and they will make a recomendation regarding the student.


    Title IX prohibits the separation of boys and girls in health and physical education classes. There are few exceptions: Within classes, students may be separated by gender for contact sports,Within classes, students may be grouped by ability, Boys and girls may be separated during units on human sexuality. In some cases, separation may be required due to content.


    Report any and all injuries to me at the time of the injury. Failure to report an injury may result in the loss of insurance coverage for that injury and proper care for you. If you have a special medical problem, let me know right away.


    These areas are off limits to all students unless accompanied by a teacher. Use of Equipment: Do not abuse the equipment, If you break any equipment through misuse, you will be asked to pay for it, Any misuse of the equipment can affect your grade relating to citizenship. The student will pay for all damaged equipment, If a student finds any broken equipment, let me know right away.


    The students also have the opportunity to participate in sports competition during the year. The sports that we currently have are:
    o Boys/Girls Basketball o Boys/Girls Volleyball o Boys/Girls Track o Boys/Girls Softball o Boys/Girls Tennis Table
    Students participating in sports are subject to eligibility rules. This rule is designed to keep track of the students academic performance during the sports season and the school year. Every Wednesday the teachers will indicate to the coach if the students are passing their classes or not. If not, then the student is suspended and/or removed from the teams. This rules are not absolute. Each coach has its own rules.


    Parents are welcome to participate in activities and be involved in the academic life of their students. We always look for parents to help us coaching sports. If you are knowledgeable in any of the following sports and would like to coach please let me know at your convenience.
    © Programa de Educación Física 1992-2013