Updated: November 10, 2000

Our Pre-Season begins with the try-outs. I usually begin try-outs after the softball season has ended, around October. Depending on how many students show up at try-outs, it ussually last for a 2 weeks. By the end of October begining November I make the first cut and by the end of the 1st week in November I make the final cut. Students that are left out on the second cut will become the B team. The "B" team is there in case I have to make moves in the roster. They don't practice like team "A" but they get court time by playing other "B" teams in the area.
Our practices run 2 times a week for 1.5 hours after school during the off-season and 3 times for 2 hours during the season.

DIAS 1-6

3:00-3:05 - Tiros Libres
3:05-3:40 - Acondicionamiento Físico
3:40-4:15 - Driles Defensivos (88, 90, 94, 95, 113) , Driles de Dribleo (44, 45)
4:15-4:40 - Jugadas en Ofensiva
4:40-5:00 - Scrimmage (2 de 10)

DIAS 2-7

3:00-3:05 - Tiros Libres
3:05-3:40 - Acondicionamiento Físico
3:35-3:55 - Driles Defensivos (88, 90, 94, 95, 113) , Driles de Tiros (77, 78, 79)
4:15-4:40 - Jugadas en Ofensiva y Defensiva
4:40-5:00 - Scrimmage (2 de 10)

DIAS 3-8

3:00-3:05 - Tiros Libres
3:05-3:40 - Acondicionamiento Físico
3:35-3:55 - Driles de Dribleo (46, 119) , Driles de Tiros (72, 74, 80)
4:15-4:40 - Jugadas en Ofensiva y Defensiva
4:40-5:00 - Scrimmage (2 de 10)

DIAS 4-9

3:00-3:05 - Tiros Libres
3:05-3:40 - Acondicionamiento Físico
3:35-3:55 - Driles Defensivos (88, 96, 100, 113) , Driles de Dribleo (119, 46, 45)
4:15-4:40 - Jugadas en Ofensiva y Defensiva
4:40-5:00 - Scrimmage (2 de 10)

DIAS 5-10

3:00-3:05 - Tiros Libres
3:05-3:40 - Acondicionamiento Físico
3:35-3:55 - Driles Defensivos (88, 96, 100, 113) , Driles de Tiros (77, 78, 79)
4:15-4:40 - Jugadas en Ofensiva y Defensiva
4:40-5:00 - Scrimmage (2 de 10)

DIAS 11-12-13-14 - SCRIMAGE GAMES (out of school teams)